Nerdy creations with numbers, words, sounds, and pixels


Sientific publications by Anton Hoyer

This page presents a list of peer-reviewed articles that I have authored or co-authored. You will find that all of them are related to abrasive brushing tools, with a specific focus on physical modeling and surface finishing of ceramics. Unfortunately, some are in German, but lucky for you, they are not open access anyway.

Hoyer, A.; Uhlmann, E. Image-Based Tool Characterization and DEM Simulation of Abrasive Brushing Processes. Machines 2024, 12(3), 171.

Hoyer, A.; Uhlmann, E. Deliberate Surface Treatment of Zirconium Dioxide with Abrasive Brushing Tools. Ceramics 2022, 5(4), 883-900.

Uhlmann, E.; Hoyer, A. Modeling of Contact Forces for Brushing Tools. Ceramics 2021, 4(3), 397-407.

Uhlmann, E.; Hoyer, A. Modellierung des Kontaktimpulses beim Bürstspanen/Contact Impulse Modeling for Brushing Tools. wt Werkstattstechnik online 2021, 111(7-8), 513-519.

Uhlmann, E.; Hoyer, A. Surface Finishing of Zirconium Dioxide with Abrasive Brushing Tools. Machines 2020, 8(4), 89.

Hoyer, A.; Uhlmann, E. Dynamik beim Bürstspanen/Dynamics in Abrasive Brushing. wt Werkstattstechnik online 2020, 110(7-8), 478-484.

Sommerfeld, C.; Uhlmann, E.; Hoyer, A. Modelling of Brushing Processes. Proceedings of ASME 2019, MSEC2019-2833.

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