Nerdy creations with numbers, words, sounds, and pixels


Generative art by Anton Hoyer

Generative art is a creative process where the artist utilizes algorithms and rules to autonomously produce diverse and often unpredictable artworks. Because I love math, programming, and randomness, I discovered generative art for myself recently (even though I was familiar with the Processing coding language, a Java wrapper, since 2006 when it was featured in a computer magazine).

I use Processing for most of my graphical projects because it is fast, visually appealing, and designed for visual artists. However, I also use Python and MATLAB for simpler projects that involve more math and less graphics. Both are interpreted languages, whereas Processing is a compiled language, making them a bit easier to work with. Besides, I use them at work, and the barrier between science and art is slimmer than you might think.

But this page would not be complete without at least mentioning AI-generated images. Well, now I have.

You can find some of my generative art below. Expect this page to expand over time.

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