Nerdy creations with numbers, words, sounds, and pixels


Graphical computer game prototypes by Anton Hoyer

Though I have not yet published a game with graphics, I have several projects in various states of progress. Some only lack balancing or the fixing of a persistent bug, while others are mere prototypes or pilot studies that have received positive feedback from friends, or at least spurred their imagination.

I use the Processing coding language for 2D projects and the Unity game engine for both 2D and 3D projects. Given the latest controversy surrounding Unity, I can also see myself trying other game engines in the future. I do not mind learning new coding languages because I have been doing so most of my life. In fact, it is what makes programming exciting.

More importantly, I would like to get in touch with potential collaborators; people who can handle the tasks I dislike doing and are better at them, anyway. For example, I have done my fair share of music composition and recording, but I was glad when my friends Ole and Daniel created soundtracks for two of my games. Even though I am artistically inclined, I do not see it as my profession to create textures or sculpt 3D models; therefore, I work mostly with primitives. But my biggest flaw is not caring enough about how to advertise, market, and distribute a game, and build a community around it.

Now you may rightfully ask, “What does he bring to the table, then?”

I believe that my strengths lie in imagination, fiction writing, understanding, designing, and programming mathematical and physical systems, ability to learn, attention to detail, and having just enough appreciation and knowledge of all the other aspects of game development to make the right calls. If you are interested in joining forces, feel free to get in touch by commenting on the projects shared below.

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