Nerdy creations with numbers, words, sounds, and pixels

Experimental, Writing


Successfulness - experimental text by Anton Hoyer - in: Love Violence Algorithms

Statistically, intelligence, keenness, opportunity, commitment, good connections & irredeemable lawlessness all guarantee success eventually.

Nevertheless, originally cheerful cheerleaders Jenniffer, Jeannette, Merritt, Carroll & Colleen smelled moot efforts & worried excessively. Skinny, partially undressed (topless) schoolgirls stripping frantically & inappropriately between possessive, eccentric millionaires, sugges­tively offering pillowy boobs, freeing smallish cherry-blossom nipples, belly buttons & expressing daddy issues; married fools dollar bill-littering classroom floors, polluting & environmentally challenging evergreen territories & jizzing incessantly between meetings & coffee intermissions. Piss-poor pussycats, little stressed desserts, perpetually cheek-kissed & asshole-assaulted, financially deeply hooked, willingly massaging sleepless noodles; all pretty, practically harmless, weed-killing millennials (essentially teenagers).

Darkness fell across Garrettsville, soon dizzy lassie roommates Annabell Zimmermann & Charlotte Moore floor-dropped, apparently asleep, unusually pallid, cheesy-yellow dolls, bleeding internally, passing horrifically, terribly snuffed. Initially puzzled, all surrounding goofball millionaires understood: unhappy accidents happen (really illustrates upper-classic aloofness, arrogance & narcissism). Keeping still appealed, soon virtually all seemed forgotten, lassies still missing.

Historically, Tennessee, Mississippi, Massachusetts, Illinois, Pennsyl­vania, Minnesota, Missouri & upper Connecticut all allowed corruption, drunkenness, battery, miscellaneous offenses & overall creepiness till Congress passed forbidding commandments. Actually, tabooed zoophilia, too: hillbillies sexually hitting deer, sheep, cattle (especially Galloway beef patties), rabbit bunnies, basset doggies, racoons & different crossbred mammals.

Internationally, Caribbean voodoo missionaries ferried across Hawaiian atolls, Seychellean lagoons & sunny Philippines, pioneering & mapping all territories globally, swimming between floods, hurricanes & bottomless abysses, cutting treeless arrowwood & rootless fleetwood, blissfully harnessing bitterroot, belladonna, tobacco, cottonseed, gooseberry, willow offshoots, sweet woodruff, butterflies, grasshoppers, moonbird gallbladder & hallucinogenic mushrooms, symmetrically tattooing tessellated crisscross patterns across bloodless eelskin. Tall Greek odyssey warriors, still merry buffoons (commanding & quarreling goddesses possess appointed tools).

Typically, handicapped buccaneers controlled fishhook attachments manually (programmatically dismissing accessibility), skillfully shooting artillery (stainless steel cannonballs & dumbbell missiles) off buttressed, bulletproof battleships, massively attacking & popping blood vessels, jamming uttered distress calls, occasionally looting biggest booty, collecting communicative parrots & Swiss booze bottles, effortlessly accumulating billion dollar assets.

Officially, difficulties peeing, anxiousness & sleeplessness following planned buccaneer assaults dramatically corrupt blissful feelings, potentially boosting bitterness, hopelessness, aggressiveness & depression. Naturally, uninterrupted horror & terror systematically breed terrorism & horrorism. Suffering immigrants continually gotta witness bullying & oppression, groundless accusations & horrific deeds.

Specifically, three trigger-happy Tallahassee officers Russell O’Connelly, Jarrett Donelly & Darrell Doolittle arrested & sadistically assassinated fifteen transsexual grannies, all homeless, tendentially indifferent & allegedly seething communists. Soon commenced bloody interracial rebellions; attention-seeking gazetteers announ­ced collapsing businesses, imminent doom & finally Prussian occupation (gross spelling error). Nonetheless, offscreen surveillance footages immediately illustrated carefully planned textbook bullshitting & collective rubber ballooning.

Indeed, emotionally & mentally affected offender Elliott McDonnell willfully committed three appalling massacres (Bennettsville gallery, Loogootee townhall & Chattahoochee community college). Suddenly, rookies, freelancers, professionals & William Burroughs submitted million compelling thrillers & essays. Soon booksellers illuminated messy showrooms, recommended rubbish-filled bestsellers, shipped grammatically incorrect bookmarks, embarrassing cartoons, wallpapers & written accessory accordingly, till connoisseurs critically acclaimed all books’ narratives, innovations, expressiveness, outspokenness, succinctness, hidden messages & overall skillfulness (see associate professor Kennett Follett). Admittedly, killer arrangement between grabby offender & greedy accomplices, all intellectually, opportunistically, economically, legally & literally. Quintessentially, terrorist & bookkeepers mutually benefitted substantially. Hellish alliance, utterly foolproof & commercially successful.

Brutally chopped landfill carcasses? Bittersweet collateral! Aggregated interrogation & confession cassettes? All classified! Middle-class commoners’ assessment? Hopelessly trapped between acceptance & indifference! Funny, correct?

Approximately weekly, commissioner William Lee Doggett (politically rotten scattergood) misappropriated allocated wallets, withheld illogical spreadsheets, accidentally slipped telling employees, totally ripped off Finnish ambassador Miss Collette Epäjärjestelmällistyttä­mättömyydelläänsäkäänköhän, smoothly installing puppet plaintiffs, fellow attorney lookalikes & genetically engineered embassy staff doppelgangers. Actually, Doggett’s stiffness, intellectualism & sheer efficiency suggest Russian roots (gross spelling error).

Additionally, Doggett accomplished immense business success selling addictive cellular immunosuppressive pills, shatterproof mirrors, brilliant earrings, lossless SSD-compression appliances & whirpool­proof shampoo. Beginners illegally sell cigarettes, Guinness beer, green grass (cannabis), bootlegged billboard jazz, wooden & woolen collectibles, deepfreezed seafood, fricassee & eggrolls. Winners successfully traffic affordable teenage hookers. Steep career, peerless cheek, sheer lobbyism.

Unaddressed written letter, colloquially appreciating Doggett’s fell deeds:

“Hello, keen commissioner, greetings! Succeed thee well!

Tell jibber jabber, surreptitiously kill opposition & innocent messengers! Hollywood screenplays approve thee, borrowing silly lessons! Summary: weddings, honeymoons, marriages, hookers, anniversaries, affairs, threesomes, battles, dissociations, all looping annually!

Pessimistic outlook: unless all current communal dilemmas gotta been annulled tomorrow afternoon, communist guerrillas shall attempt accurately assassinating thee & possible successors! Ideally wanna hurry!

Godspeed & goodbye,

three disappointed coppers

(Appendix: Gotta bless free speech personally)”


This text consists only of words with at least one pair (preferably multiple pairs) of consecutively repeating letters, thus utilizing a vocabulary that is mutually exclusive from the vocabulary used in Dermatoglyphics.

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